Weight Loss Support Groups
Overeaters Anonymous is a weight loss support group that offers a free 12 step program that guides its participants through a philosophy of self-disclosure along the quest to abstain from dangerous overeating. OA does not give nutritional guidelines or medical advice but rather touches upon psychological, spiritual and emotional difficulties. There are no fees, although OA encourages members to contribute a small amount at each meeting and purchase meeting literature. Overeaters anonymous' meetings are offered throughout the U.S. and in about 65 other countries. Weight loss support, education and literature can also be found on the internet site.
Take Off Pounds Sensible (TOPS) is another non profit weight loss support organization founded by Esther Manz that has spread through the United States and other countries since its inception in 1948. Personal meetings consist of private weigh-ins and progress evaluations. TOPS offers retreats, conventions and nutrition and weight loss educational literature.
An individual seeking to lose weight with the help of a weight loss support group should consult a physician to make educated and informed decisions regarding diet and exercise.