My Weight Loss Story 2009
Losing weight is not easy when you love food and you feel like you have no time and the economy is crashing down on you and your family. Stress on top of more stress does not make it easy to get in the gym. For some reason I am afraid of the effects of stress and I tend to work out more or exercise more when times are tough. The last time business and work related stress was at an all time high was back in the year 2000 and 2001. At that time I was working out on average 4 - 5 days a week and playing tennis every other day at least. Since then I would work out off and on but never on a regular or consistent basis. 8 years later and 15 lbs later I am stressed out and back in the gym. I have been working out every other day because I do not want to over do it in the very beginning and get burned out. I think this is very important to remember if you are just getting back in the gym or if you are running, walking, swimming, or cycling for the first time in a long time. Do not forget that your body cannot do what it once did without gradually training to get back to those younger years, regardless of your age. This rule does not matter if you are 28 and out of shape or 58 and out of shape. You need to take your time and always consult with a physician before beginning any workout or exercise routine.
So here we are, it is February 11th and I have been in the gym for the past fee weeks. I tipped the scales at 179 the day I started and I am now at 184!! Imagine that! I gained 4 lbs. I am not sure what that is about, but I am going to safely assume it is gained muscle without losing any significant amount of body fat. My workout schedule looks like this. I workout every other day and have a 3 day routine. Day 1 is back and legs. Day 2 is chest and triceps. Day 3 is shoulders and biceps. Each day is started with 20 - 25 minutes of cardio and I finish each workout with at least 5 - 6 sets of abdominal exercises.
I feel much better for many reasons. My energy levels are up. My ability to fall asleep and stay asleep has had a tremendous impact on how I feel each day. You cannot and I repeat you cannot ignore the benefits of a restful nights sleep.
The hardest part about working out is just getting changed and motivated to get myself into the gym. I love exercise. I love the gym environment. You get to people watch. You get to focus on exercising and forgot about life for a little while. It is very cleansing for the most part. I have a real tough time with cardio but I have found that if I plug my headphones into the television screen on the treadmill or bike that I am able to cruise through 20 minutes with no problem. For some reason it goes much smoother and quicker as opposed to listening to my ipod.
My goal is to lose 10 lbs and overall muscle tone. I have several reasons for trying to achieve my goals. I want to improve my health first and foremost. Nobody can deny the desire to improve their appearance and I am certainly not going to pretend that it is not important to me. The last and also very important reason is to get in better shape in order to improve my golf game. Last year I got the golf bug "Big Time". I thought that I could shoot under 100 before the year was over but couldn't quite get there. This year I am certain that it will happen. A better short game. More confidence and some practice will get me to my first 99 score card.
Well thats all I have to report for today. I am hopeful that you will maintain your workout routine for the rest of the year and if you have not started yet, do not worry!! It is never too late. Do yourself and your family and friends a favor. Stay in shape and try to keep your weight down. We all have a job to do as residents on planet earth and we owe it to our family and friends to do our best to be here as long as possible. Stop eating fast food. Stop buying products that pollute the environment. There is nothing good about processed food or items with high fructose corn syrup. We have to save the planet and save our children. We all need to wake up and learn that nothing in life that is worthwhile comes easily. We all need to work harder, work smarter, and eat healthier.
It is not easy but we are here to help each other to stay motivated! Make it happen people! I know you can do it!